As we weave our way through this month with the theme of Self Mastery, our topic this week is The Power of Faith. There is an absolute power in faith. The important thing to decipher is to know just what we have faith in! It has been said that fear is nothing more than the negative use of faith…faith misplaced.
Science of Mind teaches that thoughts become things – thoughts are things. When we “fear” something will happen, that thought and subsequent emotion sends out a vibratory beacon of energy out into the ethers that then responds and returns back to us.
Ernest Holmes said, “If we are to have an active faith-the faith of God, instead of merely a faith in God – our thought must be centered in Universal Mind. Such a faith does not spring full-orbed into being, but grows by knowledge and experience.” What strikes me in that quote are two things – “faith of God, not in God” and that this faith comes about by knowledge and experience.
Having the faith OF God places us in the union with the Divine within each of us. Do you think for one moment that God fears anything? Of course not, for God knows there is nothing to fear for nothing is separate and apart from Its all encompassing Love, Light and Joy.
To have this kind of faith takes commitment to our spiritual growth, for as Don Miguel Ruiz wrote in the Four Agreements, most of us were “domesticated” as children – meaning we were trained to please others and to ignore our inner promptings. Committing to know ourselves as God knows us takes courage, faith and commitment.
Say with me: “I am committed to knowing myself as God knows me. I am growing my spiritual muscles hour by hour, day by day as I continually release negative habits and beliefs that no longer serve me. I have the faith of God. And it is so.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living