Charles Fillmore, the great biblical scholar, in his book “Prosperity” relates the how the characters throughout the Bible fit into the pattern of our own consciousness. Moses in our individual consciousness represents denial and the negative side of the law which gave us “Thou shalt not”. Moses could not go into the Promised Land, the four dimensional state of consciousness, for there can be no negativity there.
Charles Fillmore, the great biblical scholar, in his book “Prosperity” relates the how the characters throughout the Bible fit into the pattern of our own consciousness. Moses in our individual consciousness represents denial and the negative side of the law which gave us “Thou shalt not”. Moses could not go into the Promised Land, the four dimensional state of consciousness, for there can be no negativity there.
Jesus represents the law in its affirmative expression “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God”. Moses was the law giver and Jesus was the fulfillment of the law. Jesus came to give life and give it abundantly. Time after time in his parables he told us all that we have need of is here, but we first must enter into the Promised Land of the fourth dimension consciousness.
That means we must open our minds to the full consciousness of the omnipresence and omnipotence of God. We cannot ask God for more substance for the universe is full. We should ask for understanding, as Solomon did, to lay hold of it with our mind and thus we evolve to rightly handle the supply. The supply unfolds at the same rate as the need or ability to use substance is developed.
Say with me: “I now love with all my heart and mind the Lord, my neighbor, myself and my work. My supply increases as I go within and unify my consciousness with the universal infinite substance that is everywhere present. Divine ideas come to me and I act on them in perfect accord. I am never anxious for my faith is strong in knowing my every need and desire is met in divine right timing. And so it is.”