Thought for the Week: Your gift

Are you having a prosperous New Year? I certainly hope so. Prosperity comes in all areas of life – health, relationships, cre­ative expression, and financial rewards. Life will naturally tend toward growth and expansion, though our expectations and habits contribute greatly to the results we harvest.

Remember since we are spiri­tual beings having a human experience, everything is first created in the unseen or spiri­tual realm, usually in the form of our thoughts and associated feelings. Therefore it is wise to think and expect only the best for ourselves. Recognize we are all growing and maturing at our own rate and timing. Just as in nature, growth begins with a seed. We plant the “seed” of our desires in our thoughts and water them by imagination. We may need to be diligent in weed­ing out thoughts of negativity and failure.

Also recognize once planted, the seed of our desire is held in the “soil” of the subconscious. This is the waiting time, the time of gestation, where it may appear that nothing is happen ing, but be assured it is. There may be a time of “darkness” where challenges may arise. If such is the case, be diligent in knowing the challenge brings its own gifts of growth and learning. Take the gift from it and release any concern or con­sternation toward it. As is sited hundreds of times in the Bible, know it “came to pass.”

Know also that growth comes in circular motions and in lay­ers many times rather than in a straight line. Keep your vision and expectancy on your goal of growth, which means you will need to continually clear out the excess and useless things and even relationships in order to thrive in the now.

Say with me: “The work of my hands and the plans of my life are now moving quickly toward a sure and perfect fulfill­ment. I anticipate the good. In God’s right action, I now place my full trust. This is a time of divine completion. I now har­vest my good as miracles follow miracles, and wonders never cease!”


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