Watershed Warriors attack litter and debris at Alpine Community Center

People picking up garbage in park

Nik Kennedy, community events coordinator for ‘I Love a Clean San Diego’, spearheads the Watershed Warriors Satur­day cleanup.

“We identify unincorporated areas conducive to watershed environments that might oth­erwise be overlooked such as: preserves, hiking paths and greenbelts between commercial centers. We bring awareness to these often underappreciated areas by partnering with the local community to schedule a volunteer cleanup event,” he said.

Watershed Warriors facilitate events designed to assist outly­ing communities in reducing the amount of debris accumu­lated in their immediate water­shed.

“For the cleanup event on Sat­urday, we anticipate around 50 people,” Kennedy said. “We will concentrate our efforts on the park behind the Alpine public library and those adjacent areas surrounding the Community Center. These boots-on-the-ground participants will look for trash not only in the park but at the baseball field, ten­nis and basketball courts, up to the fence that abuts Interstate Highway 8. This whole area ac­cumulates a lot of rubble and drift debris from the highway.”

“The whole area around the Alpine Community Center con­stitutes a watershed and can use some real TLC before our rainy season begins,” Kennedy said.

“Participants can expect to be bending over and picking up remnants of broken and discard­ed rubble,” he said. “Disposable gloves and bags will be supplied along with grabbers for people to use. We love it when partici­pants bring their own gloves, bags, and buckets to reduce the impact and promote a zero waste tolerance.”

For more details and how to participate contact Nik Kenne­dy at: nkennedy@cleansd.org or call (619)795-1060.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 3, 10 a.m. to noon at the Alpine Community Center, 1830 Alpine Blvd.



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