Wild time on the menu

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Animal sanctuary Lions Tigers and Bears is hosting a Turkey Bash Nov. 26-27 where guests can watch the lions, tigers and other rescued cats devour their Thanksgiving turkeys while the rescued bears enjoy stuffed pumpkins.

During the two-day event, guests will encounter exotic animals that have been rescued and given forever homes, including retired circus animals, survivors of inhumane photo and petting opportunities, and abandoned and illegally owned big cats as they celebrate the holiday with a morning of enriching animal activities.

Ticket prices, with all proceeds going to the nonprofit’s animals’ care and upkeep, are: members, $30 for adults and $15 for kids, and nonmembers are $60 for adults and $35 for kids.

Tickets are available online at www.lionstigersandbears.org or by calling (619) 659-8078. All proceeds benefit the rescued animals, providing food, enrichment, habitat maintenance, veterinary care and more.

Lions Tigers and Bears is at 24402 Martin Way.


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