Alpine Elementary had a proÂductive 2017-2018 school year. Some of our student accomÂplishments and events were:
• Creation, design and develÂopment of a student-centered Organic Garden Program;
• Participation in a student-centered Farmers Market hostÂed by Barons Market;
• Leadership Day showcasing our Student Leaders;
• Sock Hop where new socks were donated to the less fortuÂnate in our community;
• Developing and organizing a school wide Recycling and ComÂposting Program
Alpine Elementary had a proÂductive 2017-2018 school year. Some of our student accomÂplishments and events were:
• Creation, design and develÂopment of a student-centered Organic Garden Program;
• Participation in a student-centered Farmers Market hostÂed by Barons Market;
• Leadership Day showcasing our Student Leaders;
• Sock Hop where new socks were donated to the less fortuÂnate in our community;
• Developing and organizing a school wide Recycling and ComÂposting Program