Alpine Elementary School had a productive year

Alpine Elementary had a pro­ductive 2017-2018 school year. Some of our student accom­plishments and events were:

• Creation, design and devel­opment of a student-centered Organic Garden Program;

• Participation in a student-centered Farmers Market host­ed by Barons Market;

• Leadership Day showcasing our Student Leaders;

• Sock Hop where new socks were donated to the less fortu­nate in our community;

• Developing and organizing a school wide Recycling and Com­posting Program

Alpine Elementary had a pro­ductive 2017-2018 school year. Some of our student accom­plishments and events were:

• Creation, design and devel­opment of a student-centered Organic Garden Program;

• Participation in a student-centered Farmers Market host­ed by Barons Market;

• Leadership Day showcasing our Student Leaders;

• Sock Hop where new socks were donated to the less fortu­nate in our community;

• Developing and organizing a school wide Recycling and Com­posting Program


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