Candidates meet in ‘Paradise’ By Jo Moreland


Candidates seeking office or already elected practiced Poli­tics in Paradise on Aug. 30 at the Cuyamaca College Water Conservation Garden in El Ca­jon!

Information spiced with good humor marked the meet-and-greet evening in the beau­tiful garden at 12122 Cuyama­ca College Drive West. Good food and wine tasting encour­aged lively conversation.

Area residents mingled eas­ily with about 20 candidates seeking office on Nov. 6 for the state legislature and local city councils, fire districts, the Grossmont Healthcare Dis­trict, water districts, school boards, planning groups and college and school districts.

“I always find it interesting,” said Mark Clifton of Clifton In­dependent Mercedes Sales and Service in El Cajon, glancing around. “I like to stay connect­ed with our local community.”

The San Diego East Coun­ty, Alpine Mountain Empire, Lakeside, La Mesa and Santee Chambers of Commerce and the San Diego East County De­velopment Council partnered to present the event aimed at getting candidates and the public together.

Ronn Hall, a Santee City Council candidate, said “Para­dise in Politics” was an impor­tant opportunity to meet peo­ple and make contacts.

In addition to candidates, incumbents and those who already won their seats in the 2018 Primary Election were there to support General Elec­tion candidates and talk with residents.

“I think these are great events,” said Kathleen Hed­berg, president of the Helix Water District. “Candidates are reaching out to other can­didates and businesses.”

Richard Edwords of Kamps Propane, a member of the Al­pine Mountain Empire Cham­ber of Commerce, had a honey booth at the event. Edwords, a Chamber Ambassador, said he talked with quite a few candi­dates or incumbents.

“It was interesting to hear them talk,” he said. “I just take it with a grain of salt and go from there. There were some good people there.”

Each candidate was allowed to make brief comments —- no more than a minute.

Barry Jantz, chief execu­tive officer of the Grossmont Healthcare District —-anoth­er Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber member, was the program moderator.

“This is the best turnout I think we’ve had,” Jantz told everyone. “We’ve got a slew of candidates. This is about di­rect engagement. This (com­ments) is not a stump speech.”


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