By Courtney Norton

Wouldn’t it be nice to drive into Alpine and all around one sees similar flowers bursting everywhere—signifying unity, community and beauty within our town?

That is the Preserve Alpine Heritage’s goal in introducing a “Vote for a Alpine Town Flower” campaign going on the entire month of August. The group reached out to several local groups and individuals asking for recommendations to include in the ballot. The prerequisites were that it had to be a California native, drought tolerant and easy enough to find either in seed or plant forms.

You have 10 to choose from. You get to vote once by email with the ballot box closing on Aug. 31. On Sept. 14 the Grand Announcement will take place at Alpine Garden & Gifts where the plants and seeds will be available for purchase amongst other fun activities planned.

Let’s make Alpine shine—cast your vote! Go to: preservealpineheritage. org/alpine-needs-a-town-flower

Courtney Norton, Preserve Alpine’s Heritage Board member


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