Alpine Sheriff warns of snatchers during this Holiday Season


This is not our normal Alpine Highlight, but it’s an issue that demands extra attention at this time.  It is an unfortunate circumstance that during these times when the world is promoting ‘Good Cheer’ and ‘Warm Tidings’ that a few must try to ruin it all with their shenanigans.

This is not our normal Alpine Highlight, but it’s an issue that demands extra attention at this time.  It is an unfortunate circumstance that during these times when the world is promoting ‘Good Cheer’ and ‘Warm Tidings’ that a few must try to ruin it all with their shenanigans.
On Friday, during the Alpine Parade of Lights, we had reports at The Alpine Sun that Christmas lights are actually being stolen off of homes here in Alpine.  One victim had just put up an expensive unit that is new this year.  It featured laser lights that projected on the property.  This unit was stolen from the property, and now reports are coming in that states may in fact be banning these particular units. This is due to the fact that they are lasers, and when stolen from properties that are utilizing them correctly, the perpetrators are setting them up to shine directly into the night sky to interfere with aircraft.
The Alpine Sheriff has been notified of these incidents, and they would also like make residents aware that automobiles are being broken into.
Be aware of any suspicious gatherings of people who do not belong in an area.
Lock vehicles and do not leave valuable items in plain site.  If you are shopping, lock packages in the trunk of the vehicle where they are not available for snatchers to grab.


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