San Diego County planners will provide an informational discussion on the 460-home Star Ranch proposal at the Monday evening meeting of the Campo Lake Morena Planning Group.
San Diego County planners will provide an informational discussion on the 460-home Star Ranch proposal at the Monday evening meeting of the Campo Lake Morena Planning Group.
The proposal includes a commercial area in the vicinity of Cameron Corners and a six-acre sewer processing plant adjacent to Highway 94 not far from the county library and due west of the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum. The bulk of the homes would be clustered around the intersection of Buckman Springs Road and Highway 94 on both sides of the road and would be built on suburban-style lots.
The project EIR is currently under review by the county, which has tendered a lengthy set of comments on portions of the EIR that county planners say are in need of work. That document will be released for public comment either later this year or early in 2014.
The Star Ranch plan was first introduced more than 10 years ago, and the project application was filed in 2005. Over the course of multiple meetings and discussions, previous members of the planning group have twice voted to recommend that the plan be scaled down to half its proposed size, and a recent letter signed by 14 community members requests that it be reduced to under 100 homes. Proponent Barry DeVorzan has, to date, declined to voluntarily reduce the size of the plan.
Planner Dennis Campbell will explain the project and the project EIR, which was submitted to the county on March 26 of this year. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions after the his presentation.
The planning group is in receipt of grading plans, sewer plan application and the county’s comments on the EIR. Members of the public may receive electronic copies of the documents, as well as planning group agendas, by emailing Chairman Billie Jo Jannen at
The planning group will also seat newly-appointed members Tammy Thorpe and Christine Sperrazzo at the August meeting. It seated new member Steve Biddle at its July meeting and John Clarke was seated the month before, bringing the planning group back to a full complement of nine members.
The meeting will be held at Mountain Empire Community Center, at 976 Sheridan Road, in Campo, on Monday, August 26, at 7 p.m.