County opens bidding process for road repair


The San Diego County Board of Supervisors authorized the advertisement for bid and subsequent award of a contract to re-move and replace damaged sidewalks, curbs, and gutters.
The supervisors’ 5-0 vote July 10 authorizes the director of the county’s Department of Purchasing and Contracting to take the necessary actions to advertise and award a contract while designating the director of the county’s Department of Public Works as the county officer responsible for administering the contract. The supervisors also found the repair and replacement work categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act review.
“Road quality and maintaining our road infrastructure is very important to me, and I’m happy that this action will continue to improve our road network,” said Supervisor Jim Desmond.
The contract is structured to include a base bid of 234 segments with additive alternatives, or clusters of locations which can be added to the contract if funding permits, comprising an additional 53 locations. Some of those sites consist of multiple non-contiguous segments. The base list includes three Alpine segments and the additive alternative includes four Alpine roads.
The Department of Public Works conducts regular inspections which identify locations for potential improvement, and input from citizens also contributes to the list of potential projects which are prioritized based on where public safety can be best improved.
The base bid includes one location apiece along Big Wheel Way, Eltinge Way, and Kenda Way. The additive alternatives include Avenida Canora, Camino Lagarto, Manzanita View Road, and Via Viejas.
The estimated cost of the work, including contingency, is $1,000,000. Highway User Tax Account revenue derived from the sales tax on gasoline will provide $500,000 while a balance in the county’s road fund will be the source of the other $500,000.
Prior to the start of construction residents and businesses will receive mailers or notices on door knobs notifying them of the upcoming work. During construction traffic control measures will be in place to limit impacts to travelers and the community. The work is scheduled to begin in fall 2019 and be complete during spring 2020.


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