Flood is a concern despite drought

By Molly Malone


Owners of microbusinesses, sole proprietors, and farmers spend many hours developing plans and attending training sessions to educate themselves on operating a business and what to do in the face of adver­sity.

A key component of their planning should include being prepared for a major weather event. As the seasons change, flooding becomes a concern in many parts of the country. The most common and costly natural disaster in the U.S., ac­cording to The Pew Charitable Trusts, flood-related disasters have accounted for more than $850 billion in damage and loss­es since 2000.

With that in mind, a good pre­paredness plan should focus on people, equipment, and opera­tions.

First, confirm and document contact information for all em­ployees, vendors, contractors, and key customers. It’s also best to have a list of alternatives in case a regular vendor or suppli­er is unable to fulfill their role.

For equipment, be sure there is a water-safe storage space and that any dangerous chemi­cals are stored in a way where they would not be released in a flood. Also, make sure main gas and electric shut offs are clearly marked, accessible and familiar to staff. Having a mas­ter directory of usernames and passwords for computers, phones, and social media is rec­ommended.

Additionally, the plan should outline what happens if staff are unable to physically access the workplace—determining what business functions must continue and which could be put on hold.

As with any good plan, a regu­lar review by both management and staff needs to be scheduled. This should include how to ac­cess the plan, both on-site and digitally, and emphasize safety.

While the hope is to never have to use an emergency plan, being well-prepared minimizes the impact on business and pro­tects not only operations, but people.


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