A truck driver who possessed a stolen handgun at the Pine Valley checkpoint has been senÂtenced to 169 days in jail, which is credit for time served.
Terrance Deandre Ellison, 40, of San Diego, was released from jail on three years probation by an El Cajon Superior Court judge.
He had been told the sentence would likely be credit for time served when he pleaded guilty Oct. 13 to being a felon in possesÂsion of a handgun.
A prosecutor said Ellison had previously been convicted of four drug charges which barred him from possessing firearms. When Ellison drove up to the Pine Valley checkpoint on Aug. 17, agents found a Glock handÂgun which had been stolen.
The attorneys appeared reÂmotely and Ellison was seen on a computer screen in court as the courts are partially closed due to the coronavirus.
Ellison has a separate case in U.S. District Court that alleges he possessed nine packages of methamphetamine when he went through the Calexico Point of Entry on May 29.
Ellison posted bond on that case and he was free when he went through the Pine Valley checkpoint on Aug. 17. No drugs were found then.
Ellison has pleaded not guilty in his federal case.