Hoping for best as water polo season draws closer

Robin Sanchez ranks among the longest serving East County water polo coaches after start­ing out at El Cajon Valley High School in 1984 before moving over to El Capitan High School in 1988.

Sanchez has seen a lot tran­spire as the sport has developed over the years in San Diego County from one boys division to multiple gender divisions. But it’s nothing like what’s transpired since last spring’s declaration of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

The pandemic continues to rage as the 2020-21 interscho­lastic term is set to start; it con­tinues to play havoc with sports schedules.

The State CIF Office an­nounced July 20 that fall sports would be pushed back to a sec­ond semester start to better deal with health risks posed by the virus. Practices are now sched­uled to start in mid-December with the majority of competi­tions (depending on the sport) starting either during the last week in December or the first week in January.

With the three traditional seasons of interscholastic play (fall, winter and spring) now crunched into two seasons (fall and spring), the modified schedule has led to some rather unique — and correspondingly, challenging — developments such as the boys water polo and girls water polo seasons being played concurrently.

Boys water polo is tradition­ally a fall sport while girls wa­ter polo is a winter sport. While they seem to complement each other, they will now compete against each other.

Sanchez coaches both gen­ders at El Capitan.

“Scheduling, transportation … every coach will face difficult challenges,” Sanchez noted in going over a check list of poten­tial coaching headaches. “We’re fortunate in the Grossmont Conference that all of us have a pool. Not everyone in San Diego County can say that.

“Everybody is hoping for the best. I think we’ll have every­thing in place.”

Meetings have already taken place at the coaches advisory board level to iron out many an­ticipated conflicts, especially in confirming that enough game officials will be available for both the boys and girls seasons.

Many county programs field three teams for each sport – var­sity, junior varsity and novice. That equates to a potential of six games if both genders are scheduled for a home game. That would make for an exceed­ingly long day for coaches who coach both genders and game officials who referee both gen­ders.

Though schedules have not yet been finalized, Sanchez sug­gested there could be a reduc­tion in the number of games played at any one site on any given day.

“You might start out, for in­stance, with a boys junior var­sity game, then have a boys varsity game, then have a girls junior varsity game and finally have a girls varsity game,” he said.

As a consequence, novice games might have to be played on separate dates.

Besides modifications to schedules, Sanchez said new rules will also come into play this season which will create more challenges. Those new rules are designed to create more offensive plays and scor­ing opportunities.

“Seventy-five percent of the kids have not played with these new rules,” he said.

Sanchez said the proposed winter start is a plan — if things work out so that high school sports can be played in 2020-21 — but is not a definite timeline.

“If all the stars align, this is how we do this,” he said.

Sanchez gives much credit to Brian Wilbur, the San Diego Section water polo tournament director who also serves as the Grossmont Conference presi­dent, for helping place things in order for the modified season.

“He’s done a great job in put­ting the various elements to­gether,” Sanchez said.

The San Diego County Water Polo Officials Association has also had its brain trust trapped.

“We are adjusting to this,” San­chez said. “Everyone is trying to do their best. We all want to get back in the water, when it’s safe to do so, but not at all costs. The kids are super excited to know that something is in place to have a season.”

Making a splash

Pools might actually be the safest place to conduct sporting competitions due to the effect of chlorine as a “inactivating” agent against germs and virus­es.

Properly maintained swim­ming pools, with a proper chlo­rine and pH balance, help to pre­vent viruses from spreading.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preven­tion (CDC) there is no evidence that COVID-19 can spread to people through recreational wa­ter.

Sanchez and his student-athletes have already received a primer in the “new normal.”

El Capitan’s club water polo program, Cowboy Aquatic, held a six-week camp over the summer. Social distancing was among the primary safety pro­tocols.

“Kids came to the pool in their masks, we had one swimmer at the end of each lane, a lot of con­ditioning, no physical contact,” Sanchez enumerated. “The kids were excited to be back in the pool and be around their friends. At the end we did some shooting on an open cage.”

Because of social distancing mandates, Sanchez said it was the first time he had to limit participation.


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