Hunt for propane tanks heating up

Both Kamps Propane Account Executive Richard Edwords and Ace Hardware Manager Tim Mathews confirmed Monday that there is an apparent shortage of propane tanks, a necessary commodity in Alpine and the back country where many resi­dents rely on the fuel for power.

“We’re having a really hard time finding them. There’s a few stockpiles throughout the nation but you can’t buy them as eas­ily,” Edwords said.

Smaller, five gallon sizes have proven tough to locate, Edwords said, possibly because a harsh winter resulted in greater use of home emergency generators, which often run on propane.

For years, he said, propane has been touted for its convenience and reliability with home generators, the very reasons why he believes it was in such demand as people prepared for the worst.

“A lot of people got into doomsday mode,” he said.

Compounding the problem, Edwords said, copper is currently hard to source so the fittings used on tanks are also in short supply.

“The larger tanks, like the 350 gallon size are tough to find; we had a customer who wanted a 1000 gallon tank and we just couldn’t get one. There’s like a 30% markup on the large tanks when you get them and it’s a hard time getting the fittings,” Edwords said.

Delivery is also a challenge, he said, as there seem to be fewer truck drivers available who are legally able to drive hazardous materials, a necessity for propane delivery. He believes the year of having schools closed affected how many new truckers have entered the workforce. At the same time, some have let their hazardous materials license expire.

Mathews said he is receiving, on average, about half of his order each time he attempts to restock the hardware store. “It’s being rationed by the distrib­utor. If I ask for 50, I get 25. Even the guy who delivers my BBQ pro­pane that we keep out front said supply is a challenge,” Mathews said.


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