Learn to de-stress at the library

By Susan del Castillo

Looking to de-stress? Join us for our mindfulness classes ev­ery Saturday in Sept. from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Led by Laurie Hal­lihan, a certified Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction teacher, these sessions offer a peaceful hour of meditation, meaningful learning, and connection, while focusing on mindful presence and compassion. Each class has a different focus. Find out more at sdcl.org/alpine.

On Saturday, Sept. 14, at 1:00 p.m., dive into the fascinating world of San Diego’s geology with Jennifer Olim, an adjunct professor from Cuyamaca Col­lege. Discover how volcanoes, faults, and floods have shaped our local landscape in this en­gaging and educational class.

Then, on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 4-5:15 p.m., join Dana Law for an adventurous jour­ney along the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail and the 800-mile Ar­izona Trail. Dana’s captivating stories, stunning photos, and videos will inspire you to ex­plore the great outdoors. Don’t forget to follow up this event by joining our Non-Fiction Book Club on Thursday, October 3, at 4:30 p.m., where we will discuss Trail of the Lost: The Relentless Search to Bring Home the Miss­ing Hikers of the Pacific Crest Trail.

For the younger crowd, we have some fantastic after-school programs lined up! On Tues­days, Sept. 17, from 4-5 p.m., bring your child to Paws for Reading, where they can read aloud to a certified therapy dog. Each session is 10 minutes long, and sign-ups begin 15 minutes before the start. Space is lim­ited, so arrive early!

For our creative builders, the Lego Club meets on Wednes­days, Sept. 11 & 25, from 3:30- 4:30 p.m. Bring your imagina­tion—we’ll supply the LEGO bricks! This event is recom­mended for ages 5 and up.

Teens, don’t miss out on the fun in the Teen Zone on Thurs­days, Sept. 19, from 4-5 p.m. Whether you’re into video games or crafting, there’s something for everyone. This program is designed for ages 13 to 17.

For more information visit us online at sdcl.org/alpine and facebook.com/AlpineLibrary. All library programs are free and open to the public. Thank you to the Alpine Library Friends Association for their generous support. See you at the library!

Susan del Castillo Librarian II/ Branch Manager Alpine Branch Library.


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