Lessons learned from the pandemic: Communication matters

The COVID-19 pandemic landed in San Diego county on March 9, 2020 with a woman who had traveled abroad and brought the virus back to this region.

With almost a year of hind­sight, what do social service providers think could have been better planned or better execut­ed?

McAlister Institute, a social service agency that partners with county Health and Hu­man Services runs 24 programs across the county that span out­patient mental and behavioral treatment, sober living, drug abuse prevention and home­less outreach including some residential programs, but their resources were stretched thin before the added challenge of a pandemic.

James Dunford, who worked as an emergency room physi­cian for three decades and now serves as medical director at McAlister said “it’s essential that mental health and behav­ioral health continue in a pan­demic” but trying to deal with COVID was like working with overlapping Venn diagrams.

“We know for a fact there are not enough behavioral health resources right now, especially in the south part of the county where we’re the only detox beds, ten male and ten female beds for people coming off the streets with a heroin addiction,” Dun­ford said.

Al ready strapped for re­sources, “COVID derailed a lot of addiction care and forced us to move in different directions,” Dunford said.

Throughout the current CO­VID pandemic, he observed “this pressure to keep going in the face of this and you could see that with the services being provided, the risk was not in the work environment.”

McAlister employees, many of whom live in multigen­erational households, were hit harder than the clientele they serve, said Dunford and the surge in sick employees, or those who had to isolate along with someone sick at home, di­rectly affected how the agency supplied care.

Employees were stretched thinner than prior to the pan­demic, residential programs were locked down for safety with an added fear for clients, and hours spent on new safety measures were not being spent on mental and behavioral health.

“The lion’s share of the impact on us has been with sick employ­ees and trying to keep things running. In December, we had several new cases every day with employees getting quaran­tined and re-quarantined. A lot of times, it’s coming from the homes where people live. Try­ing to keep everyone protected has been really hard, especially in the absence of reliable test­ing,” Dunford said.

For that, he looks to the Trump administration and the federal government to learn their lesson.

“I don’t think anyone can de­fend not having enough masks in the future or deny that the United States should have its own supply. We also have to learn we can’t go through any sort of watered down, every-state-for-itself approach. A Fed­eral government is supposed to prepare itself,” Dunford said.

Communication also needs to improve at all levels, although that is not a new lesson but one that needs to be relearned, ac­cording to Dunford who com­pared the recent COVID re­sponse to San Diego’s Anthrax bioterrorism scare from 2011, where the Centers for Disease Control came to San Diego to discuss messaging ahead of a crisis.

“It was all about messaging: If this comes to the community, how are we going to talk to the public? Here’s what we know, what we don’t know,” Dunford said.

Locally, social services have to be made readily available to the communities they are in­tended to serve, he said.

Looking back to the early 1980’s, he recounts how Somali refugees were discouraged from calling 911 for basic medical care but that regular practice did not stop until Rady Children’s built a care center.

“We learned from that, or should have learned that people need things brought to them in their own way,” Dunford said.

In this case, “the lesson learned is that we need people to go out and vaccinate our home­less population because they aren’t going to go to the doctor on their own,” and until they get the resources in their own way, they will remain unvaccinated.

“Someone needs to strap on a backpack and go find them,” Dunford said.

Dunford, who is also Profes­sor Emeritus at University of California, San Diego in Emer­gency Medical Services and was appointed as chair of the California Emergency Medical Services Authority said one win is seeing CalFire vaccinating se­nior citizens in nursing homes.

“Even through the last Hep­atitis outbreak, paramedics could not vaccinate. Now, we’re rethinking the teams that are involved to tackle vaccination through social services,” Dun­ford said.

That same senior population is the one San Ysidro Health Vice President of Social and Rural Health Services, Judith Shaplin most worries about.

Shaplin served as Chief Ex­ecutive Officer of Mountain Health clinic in Alpine before San Ysidro Health acquired the location and was familiar with the pre-existing senior citizen nutrition program that inadver­tently provides a before-and-dur­ing COVID comparison.

“We had to rapidly convert our congregate meals to delivery services for seniors. The lesson learned was really in how we communicate with our seniors who are not computer savvy,” Shaplin said.

Additionally, she said, work­ers wanted to keep the popula­tion safely out of the public but recognized congregate meals were about social gathering and interaction.

“We literally went door-to-door and checked on seniors, reached out through churches, reached out through community lead­ers, at the height of it we went from 140 to over 500 senior en­rollees because we actively so­licited them to ask if they were okay and went from one meal to two and in some cases three meals a day.”

They also watched the cost of their food pantry soar as they went from fewer than 50 boxes of food each month to almost 400.

“The county definitely could have increased the funding for non-profit programs. They need­ed to understand the increased cost of supplies. As an example, all of a sudden the food trays went from $80 to $300 for 500 trays,” Shaplin said.

While the cost of food has in­creased, the nominal donations some seniors gave at in-person lunches are not being collected, and the group is now supplying senior citizens with 4,000 meals monthly, doubled from pre-pan­demic days.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Dis­trict 1 Commander Paula Jansen also said it is the senior popula­tion she most worries about.

The organization, estab­lished to foster camaraderie among United States veterans and advocate on their behalf re­lies a great deal on large-group gatherings, outings, volunteer service projects, community outreach and reassurance that a post member always has a place to go and is never truly alone.

With physical distancing measures in place, post activity came to a halt along with meal service, mental health outreach events and other programs that were, by their nature, designed to be social.

Jansen, who oversees posts that serve over 11,000 veterans across the county said the most important lesson learned over the past year was how to com­municate with and provide so­cial services to an aging popu­lation that is not always tech-savvy.

She said she believes the county could have safely set up Resource Fairs, not unlike food distribution points.

“If you can go to the grocery store, you can drive through a resource fair and be handed printed information,” Jansen said.

Jansen realized she had to set up a system of communication for her most elderly and isolated veterans because “if we’re not contacting them, we can’t give them the services they need”.

After she gathered all the emails that had bounced back from individual VFW posts commanders, Jansen called those veterans by phone to check on them, then set up an application that places hun­dreds of outbound calls at once to leave an informative phone message.

Organization leaders need to set up a plan “before they are in crisis mode,” Jansen said.

She believes anyone can learn and plan ahead, gives the ex­ample of a 93-year Navy veteran and California VFW Parliamen­tarian Buford Maples who has grown comfortable sending Jan­sen emails on a regular basis.

“I look at him and think, if I could only have a sliver of his knowledge, of all he has learned in his life— well, if he can fig­ure out how to email back and forth with me, everyone can. We just need to do it when we’re not locked down and people can ask as many questions as they need to,” Jansen said.

The commander also said there is a lesson to be learned in how seniors were advised at the outset to stay home as much as possible when sometimes, the only family and support net­work they have is their circle of friends.

“For some of our older veter­ans, this is like their living room where they socialize with each other. To close our doors on the same five people who are here every night like a family of five doesn’t make sense and it left them isolated,” Jansen said.

Her final suggestion: that au­thorities needed to have a more precise plan in place for dissemi­nating information.

“Give us real numbers and truth, accuracy. Give us knowl­edge,” Jansen said.


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