Stressing out


What comes to your mind when you think about stress? Do you immediately get anxious and start to fret? Maybe your heart rate starts to climb as you think about things that bring on feelings of uncertainty. Doctor’s visits, losing a job, finding a job, driving on California freeways, highway patrol officers, smoke rising into a thick plume behind your house, IRS audits, pastors in general, someone driving too slow, someone driving too fast, ingredients in chicken nuggets that you cannot pronounce, fam­ily members, cars that suddenly quit working, your local power company, finding parking spac­es, school exams and the fact that this list goes on forever.

I am getting stressed just writing this article for all of you. Our finances can be a huge source of stress as we watch our debt pile up and up and up. The fact that Turkey has invaded Syria and we might be seeing the fulfillment of prophecy in Ezekiel thirty-eight and thirty-nine, may raise your blood pres­sure. Potholes on our highways, freeways and roads can be dan­gerous as well as a point of frus­tration and stress. Then there is the question of “where is all the money going that is being col­lected to repair our roads” that can be a point of contention.

Sorry for throwing a wet blan­ket on your fall Halloween plans but that holiday stresses me out. I don’t care for clowns, witches, Ouija boards, fortune tellers or the image that the devil is a man in a red suit with a pitch fork.

When people lie to me or do not follow through on a prom­ise that tends to stress me out. Automatic bank withdrawals have always been a concern to me. When merchants run my card four or five times because “the card reader is not work­ing” stresses me out. Then as I read my credit card statement the fact that I was charged four or five times for the same item stresses me out.

People can stress us out too. Someone who is a “know it all”, like me for example, can stress us out. Standing in long lines with those types of people can be nerve wracking and chal­lenging. Just standing in long lines can burden our nervous system. Waiting in general and by definition is a waste of our precious time. People who park in handicap parking spaces, who are not disabled can be aggra­vating. Even a box full of spoons when all you needed was a knife can be stressful.

So many things to worry and stress out about so what is the answer to a stress-free life?

If it does not stress you out, please tell me your answers to reducing stress levels. If there is any activity that reduces your stress, then I would like to hear about it. Maybe it is a special place you go to that soothes and calms your nerves; I want to know where that place is. It might be a vitamin supplement, whole food or special drink please let me know where to buy it. Do you have a special scrip­ture verse, a promise of God from the bible that you find rest in? Please send your response to P.O. Box 771 Alpine CA 91901 C/O Dean Kellio. You can send it anonymously if that reduces your stress.

The fact is we are engaged in a spiritual battle. To anyone who is not a believer this fact sounds a bit kooky but make no mistake about it our enemy prowls around like a lion wait­ing to devour us. He wants us to be so caught up in this world, so caught up in our situations that we do not have any time to spend with our Creator. If he can cause division in our churches then his plan to divide and conquer has succeeded. Have you ever been involved in a church split? It is the ugliest of affairs better left at hell’s gate.

We were not given a spirit of fear, but rather a sound mind, sealed with the Holy Spirit and the hope of an eternal home. Sound good? Well, I am feeling better already! Trusting in God, our Creator is the answer to re­ducing stress. Messiah taught us that in this world we would have trials and tribulation but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. In His death we have forgiveness and in His resurrection we have eter­nal life. Now I really feel better and as I take a deep breath, feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” And don’t forget to breathe.


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