Thought for the Week: Abundance and grace by Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living

This week let’s talk about Abundance and Grace, one of the Chapters in Paul Ferrini’s book, “I Am the Door”. Abundance is not an accumulation of wealth or “stuff”. Abundance means you have what you need, use it wisely, and give what you don’t need to others. Your life has poise, balance and integrity.

This week let’s talk about Abundance and Grace, one of the Chapters in Paul Ferrini’s book, “I Am the Door”. Abundance is not an accumulation of wealth or “stuff”. Abundance means you have what you need, use it wisely, and give what you don’t need to others. Your life has poise, balance and integrity.

The absolute basic of any and all things in life is the need to have and share love and love is the energy of what we are. Paul Ferrini wrote: “It is the nature of energy to expand. It is the nature of form to contract. This is one of the inevitable paradoxes you must live with. The energy of creation wants to open you up and the structure of your mind and body resists that ex­pansion. The important thing to realize is that all structure belongs to the past, while energy only exists in the moment.”

In Roman’s 12:2 we are told to “Be ye trans­formed by the renewal of your mind.” Therefore live each moment in the eternal now. Let love transform your mind and let the spirit of Love that you are flow easily through you. In that mindset is where you will be open and receptive for the grace of God to move and uphold you through any condition or circumstance of life.

Say with me: “I am open and available to allow this energy of Love that I am to flow through me easily and with grace. I let go of the past and always trust I am in my right and perfect place at all times. In this knowing, I find peace. And so it is.”


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