Thought for the Week: As I give

Life is about circulation – don’t you agree? When anything becomes stagnant, without movement, the dying process begins. This holds true not just in the physical realm but also in the various affairs of Life. The topic this Sunday is “As I Give.” Giving and receiving are circular flows. Life is reciprocal. As we give from our fullness, from our best intentions, we are rewarded. There’s an old saying, “What goes around comes around,” another is “Like attracts like.” What we put out into the ethers is like a boomerang. That’s why it’s important to notice and be aware of our intentions.

It’s important to saturate yourself in being open to newness, in being open to infinite possibilities. Right now, as you sit here reading this message, do you have hankering to do something outside your comfort zone? If so, that could be the still small voice from within nudging you forward in Life. Perhaps it will take learning something new. Perhaps it will be contacting someone you haven’t yet met. Search your heart and soul to see where you can give of your talents and treasures. Get in the _ ow of Life with enthusiasm and gusto.

You’ve heard of “priming the pump.” In the late 1880’s this expression originally was used for pouring liquid into a pump to expel the air and make it work. Before you can receive, you must activate or give. This applies to many things in Life. But be aware that the attitude and demeanor in which you give is critical. I suggest you first and foremost become aware that the God presence is deep within you. That you live, move, and have your being in this substance of Love, Peace, Joy, and Abundance. Have utmost faith and confidence that you are exactly where you need to be always and live from quiet expectancy. Give what you have and more will be given.

Say with me: “I am attentive to the nudging of my heart and boldly go forth with great expectancy, giving what I have knowing more will be given. I am glad and I am grateful. And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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