Thought for the Week: Being a blessing

Being of service is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. Serving from our hearts humbles us. And having humility brings about an air of gentleness, kindness, and meekness, which is right next to Godliness. Do you know or remember a time when helping someone in a time of need raised your spirits? The truth of the matter is that there is One Life living through each of us. That’s why so many times we recognize ourselves in others. How many times have you looked at another person’s perhaps dire situation and said to yourself: “By the grace of God, there go I.” In other words, we could easily put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and are grateful to have been spared that difficulty. Those are the times when we can reach out to another with genuine care, concern, and help. I was reading an article the Sun Newspaper printed a couple of weeks ago now about Mama’s Kitchen and how they are requesting volunteers to help with the various services they provide. That spoke to me and even though I already have a busy life, I’m going to contact them to hopefully be involved there in some way.

What has come to your attention where you could provide some help to another? Do it out of the kindness of your heart, never from “what’s in it for me”. In that way you are truly being a blessing both to another and yourself. In order to give, your container must be full. Give from your fullness – never deplete yourself for the sake of another. As they tell you on the airlines, put your oxygen mask on first before helping another. Be open this coming week to where you can serve and bring blessings through you.

Say with me: “I am blessed and am a blessing when I give from the fullness and goodness of my heart. May I serve with humility. And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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