Thought for the Week: Beyond thoughts, words

This month is the time to re­lease the hold our monkey mind has on us to reveal the inner splendor each and every one of us has locked inside. As we move through the phases of spiritual maturity from victimhood through metaphysical consciousness, we arrive at the place that is beyond words and thoughts.

Joel S. Goldsmith wrote over 50 books, one of them that our book study is reading now is entitled just that – “Beyond Words and Thoughts.” To quote just one of many significant ideas presented in the book, Joel wrote: “Remem­ber that this rising above the mind, above words and thoughts, does not eliminate the mind, words, or thoughts, but it does eliminate living by them. We do not live by words or thoughts: we live by Grace. You must never forget that you are not living your own life. It is God’s life that is be­ing lived.”

To get to this state of awareness takes a consistent going within, to the inner sanctuary where thoughts are quieted and, in the silence, we await the feeling of the experience of God within and throughout our entire being. In this state there is total receptivity to the wholeness and oneness of Spirit. It is easily equated to the Christ consciousness where there is no separation of individual self and God Self.

We live, move, and have our be­ing in the grace of God, for that is the life we are living. Living in this grace, we easily let go of appearances of the world such as lack, limitation, disease and fears of any kind. Our vision is lifted up beyond the physical to a higher level of being. God’s grace is our sufficiency and we know whatever we have need of is placed before us in perfect order and timing. The end result washes us through with a peace that passes under­standing.

Say with me: “Right now and in every moment I am living the life of God. God’s grace is my sufficiency. Fear has gone back into the nothingness from which it came and I am free to discover the infinite wholeness in which I live. Life is grand and I am grate­ful. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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