Thought for the Week: Deep silence

A prosperity consciousness produces success in all areas of our life – in our creative endeavors, physical, mental and emotional health, supportive relationships and financial stability. To achieve a prosperity consciousness for most of us takes taking deliberate steps to achieve our goals and desires. One thing to keep in mind is to always be open to having our goals and desires be finessed by the Infinite. In other words, as we state our goals and desires state: “This or something better.”

One of the most valuable ways we can work in tandem with the Infinite, God, our Higher Self or whatever label you call It, is to take the time to meditate on a daily basis. Meditation calms the mind and allows you to be available to access and experience the wholeness of life and the truth of your Being. If you’re a beginner, take it easy at first. It is recommended to start by sitting quietly for 15 – 20 minutes. Sit in an upright position away from noise distractions. Doing it first thing in the morning helps set a priority intention and gets your day started on the right track. You may want to select a mantra to help focus your attention initially. This can be a word such as “Peace” (this is what I use frequently). Say it silently to yourself. Another technique is to focus on your breathing and repeat silently on the inhale “God is” and on the exhale “I am”. If other thoughts come up, acknowledge them and gently release them. I keep a journal by my chair to jot down ideas and inspirations that come to me during meditation. You might also check out the free app: “InsightTimer” which has thousands of guided meditations, courses, live events, music, etc. Once you go beyond the beginner stage, you can enjoy sitting in the silence for thirty minutes to an hour bringing you a glorious experience of just simply Being. The benefits of meditation or highly documented and are worth their weight in gold so to speak.

Say with me: “I resolve to honor myself enough to establish a regular meditation routine. I look forward daily to feeling and experiencing my true Being and Self. 2022 is my year to be new!”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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