Thought for the Week: Grateful for community

During the month of November we typically emphasize gratitude and being grateful for the many wonderful things of life. This coming Sunday our church, Alpine Church of Spiritual Liv­ing is celebrating 32 years of service to Alpine. Our church community is ever so grateful for this long and steady presence in Alpine. Being grate­ful for our church community and the community of Alpine itself warms our hearts and souls.

Being grateful benefits us on many levels, some of which we don’t even realize. I read an article re­cently in the Science of Mind Magazine that said: “Set a timer to ring once an hour. Take 60 seconds to savor the many positive experiences and tiny accomplishments that occurred in the previous hour. Then take another 60 seconds to do some­thing physically pleasurable like massage your arms, yawn and stretch or take a tiny bit of food and savor the flavors and texture. If you do this every hour while you worked for four to eight weeks, you’d see a 10 to 25% improvement in many functions of your brain.”

I would venture to say that taking the time and intention to notice and express our grati­tude, not only for experiences, but for friends, family, our well functioning bodies, and so much more benefits us in immeasur­able ways! During this month why not amp up your appreciation for all the many gifts Life is giving you. And even include those things that challenge you, for buried somewhere in that challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Say with me: “I take the time and intention to notice and ex­press my gratitude for this amazing Life I am living. I am grateful for the people in my life and the community in which I live. Life is good and I am happy. I am so very blessed. Thank you God.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living.


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