Thought for the Week: I am

Since we are spiritual beings having a human experience, it behooves us to consciously check in with the spirit within us that is giving us life. Prayer and meditation are the direct avenues by which we contact and communicate with our Higher Power. The Bible tells us the name for this Power is “I Am”. So when we pray or meditate we are communing with the “I Am” that is within our own being.
There is nothing we have to do in order to have the I Am hear us. This infinite Power is always responding and bringing forth into our experience that which we are broadcasting. Prudence and discernment need to be activated then, every time we utter the words “I am”. For if we say “I am sick. I am poor. I am incapable”, our Higher Power is listening and responding by bringing us what we have claimed.
We are always at choice as to how we see life. As the old saying goes, we can either see the glass as half empty or half full – our perception and attitude make it so. Therefore guard your words and expectations with claiming what you want to experience and nothing else. Practice this coming week making a list of the things you want to have in your life. Then look at the list and speak it out loud in the first person. Such as: “I am healthy, I am prosperous, I am wise, I am compassionate and caring, I am learning and growing, I am capable” and so on. Make the list specific and individualized to suit your desires.
Say with me: “I am open to receive all the best Life has to offer. I intentionally touch base with my Higher Power throughout the day and am so blessed. I am grateful. And it is so.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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