Thought for the Week: Mother May I

This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day, a tradition started in the United States in 1907 and by 1914 was declared a national holiday. On this day we honor our mothers, grandmothers, and those within our circle of influence that have or are giving us their love as only they can. This Sunday’s topic is “Mother May I.” We pay homage to mothers’ abilities and wisdom to make wise and supportive decisions for those in their charge. Just as children and youth ask permission from their elders before pursuing new activities, it is wise for all of us, regardless of our age, to go within to receive wise guidance from our internal mother, the love that birthed us into this life.

Love can be sweet and supple or brave and bold. All of us, whether male or female, have the mothering instinct in us. There’s something about bringing forth new life, new energy, and new awareness that can spring us into broader horizons. What is happening in your world at this moment that is enticing you to reach deeper into your creative juices to birth a new form of life? Realize and recognize that by bringing it forth you are making a commitment to be there to nurture and allow this new creative element to take on a life of its own.

Love brings forth life but doesn’t smother it. There is an innate freedom given to one’s offspring that revels in stepping back and giving space for them to bloom and blossom in their own unique way. Turn within to your Higher Self, to the God of your Being, to be led and guided to giving and expressing your divine creativity to bring forth new life into this world of effects. Nurture it with all your heart and soul and then let and allow it to be free to grow and change as it wills.

Say with me: “I give thanks for mothers everywhere who give and nurture their off-spring in their own unique ways. I am also grateful for my own ability to bring forth life in new and creative means.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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