Thought for the week: Our Joy is full

Today is a day to celebrate new birth, new life and new joy into our lives. Jesus said: “I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11). Joy is our inherent nature when we let go of all false judgements, assessments, disappoint­ments, remorse and regrets.

Let us live in the newness and freshness of the moment at hand. Let us leave all restricts behind us and just as little chil­dren, come openly and eagerly to follow the teachings of the messiah. Let our doubt be gone and let us believe in the everlast­ing Life that is forever giving us Its fullness and freedom.

The spirit of Christmas is about believing; believing in something greater, grander, more divine than our finite minds can imagine. Let’s step out in trust, faith and hope this very day to be an open channel, to be the handmaiden of the Lord and allow infinite Spirit to live and play through us. Be open, alert and receptive to the prompting of your heart. Trust that still small voice inside to lead and guide you to ever in­creasing good.

Say with me: “I open my mind and heart to receive the most blessed gift of the season – to know the fullness of God’s spir­it abides within me. I am here on this earth plane at this mo­ment in time to express and give the love and joy that only I can give in my own unique and per­fect way. A deep sense of peace now floods my being. I am ever so grateful for the gifts of the season and I readily distribute them to all in joyful abandonment. And it is so.”


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