Thought for the Week: Respond with ability

During the month of August we’ll be focusing on Wayne Dyer’s book, “Happiness is the Way” and this week’s message is “Respond with Ability”. Our society has been going through upsets of many kinds in the last few months, no doubt about it. What we focus on increases so how about focusing on some­thing we want versus what we don’t want?

Most of us want happiness and yet many are unhappy due to the changes of circumstances cur­rently being experienced. Dyer says, “To me, the word respon­sibility means responding with ability. It doesn’t mean respond­ing with disability, otherwise the word would be respondis­ability. No, it is responsibility. I have the ability to respond. I can respond with ability. It means taking responsibility for every­thing that goes on in your life.”

Dyer says think about an orange. When you squeeze an orange you get orange juice of course. It doesn’t matter who is doing the squeezing or what ap­paratus is used, orange juice will come out every time.

The same is true when a per­son is being squeezed from out­side pressures. If there is anger, hatred or stress within, that’s what will come out. It isn’t be­cause who is doing the squeez­ing, or when or how, it’s because that’s what’s inside a person.

If you don’t have it inside you, it will never come out no mat­ter what outside circumstances are applying pressure. Carlos Castaneda said: “The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miser­able, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.”

The truth of the matter is that we are all formed out of love. When we stop judging our­selves and others as anything less than a loving being no matter what the outside pres­sures are, we will respond with love. 1 Corinthians Ch. 13 tells us: “Love is long-suffering and kind; love does not envy; love does not make a vain display of itself, and does not boast. Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Say with me: “I choose to respond to life’s challenges with responsibility. I clear my thoughts and feels of negativity and seek to experience happi­ness as the love that I am comes pouring out.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Al­pine Church of Spiritual Living


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