Thought for the Week: The chrysalis stage

As we are changing gracefully – or not – this month, this week let’s take a look at “The Chrysalis Stage.” That’s the very necessary element one must go through in order to truly make a miraculous change or shift in consciousness. This is the stage where we retreat from outer activities to go within to the quiet and solitude of our inner Self.

The interesting part about this stage is that it can be concurrent with still maintaining our normal, everyday functions and duties. One must not have to withdraw to a monastery or live a cloistered life. But what it does entail is intentionally wrapping ourselves in the womb of stillness. This can be done at a set scheduled time of the day or night, or it can be done in intermittent intervals throughout our day. The important thing is to make it a priority and value these moments of rest and renewal.

Another valuable element of being wrapped in this inner stillness is experiencing the divine mystery that awaits our recognition. It is a sweet letting go of expectations, agendas, to do lists, and control. For in this womb of creativity our will becomes united with God’s will; our intentions become available and free to be used and shaped into a new creation – broader and grander than what our finite minds can imagine.

It is said that we all must, at one point in time, travel through the dark night of the soul. In those times when we feel most alone and vulnerable, there is a miraculous change occurring. We may not be able to recognize or see it at the time, but the interwoven threads of the Divine are silently at work to raise us up into a higher realm of being.

Keep the faith during these moments or even seasons of trial and testing. Look for and simply know that you are being raised up into new Life.

Say with me: “I consciously let and allow the divine hand of God to bring me through the darkness and into the Light of radiant new experiences and ways of being. I am grateful and at peace. And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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