CWA vote entitlement percentage down

The San Diego County Water Authority board meeting Nov. 19 approved the 2021 weighted vote allocations for SDCWA member agencies, and the weighted vote for the Padre Dam Municipal Water will de­crease from Padre Dam’s 2020 vote entitlement.

The Padre Dam allocation dropped from 2.704 % for 2020 to 2.685 % at 2021 meetings. The member vote entitlement is calculated based on the total cumulative financial contribu­tion from each agency since the CWA was formed in 1944. The contribution amount includes all taxes, assessments, fees, and charges paid to or on behalf of the CWA by property located within the member agency’s boundary by the June 30 end of the previous fiscal year. The cost of water treatment is not included in the total financial contribution, but the totals in­clude standby charges, capac­ity charges, infrastructure ac­cess charges, readiness-to-serve charges, connection and main­tenance fees, and annexation fees as well as charges for water delivered and sold to CWA mem­ber agencies.

The total cumulative fi­nancial contribution of all 24 CWA member agencies was $14,735,459,810 ending June 30, 2020.


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