Beware of the puppy scam
There’s a reason it’s against the law for pet stores to sell puppies from commercial breeders: because they often come from puppy mills, which...
‘You can’t fix stupid’
I want to embrace and thank every single one of you who have joined Preserve Alpine Heritage (PAH), those who signed the Greater Alpine...
County welcomes park dialogue
The county of San Diego welcomes robust community engagement on the future Alpine Community Park. There has been a great deal of dialogue and...
ACPG called on to explain its actions, attitude toward residents
Did you hear the fireworks at the tail end of the last Alpine Community Planning Group’s (ACPG) February 25, 2021 meeting? It was when...
Barnett, Lyon must resign their posts
As former long-standing President of the Back Country Land Trust, I am calling on you both to resign from their board. As you are...
Compassion for cats
In a report published in the San Diego Union Tribune on December 20, 2020 titled “San Diego Humane Society urged to stop releasing adoptable...
In January 2021, the County presented the final draft concept plan for the new Alpine County Park to be developed at 2480 South Grade...
Law enforcement should receive Covid-19 vaccine
“Shocked and disappointed.” That was the response local law enforcement had to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voting down my proposal to...
You are getting this park whether you like it or not
I am Annie Norton and am a resident of Alpine for 30 years. I have a personal attachment and historical knowledge of Wrights Field...
Jacob’s footprints are left behind
Dianne Jacob has meant a lot for Alpine. Here’s my recollection of a few but key ways.
Stood with us to deny a garish, giant...