Thought for the Week: Thought patterns

Going back to the basics of Science of Mind, also known as Religious Science, we have established first and foremost there is one Power...

No compromise

When the music sounded the entire population fell on their faces. The idol, that was constructed, stood ninety feet tall and nine feet wide....

Thought for the Week: Spiritual awareness

One of the fundamental basics of the Science of Mind, also known as Religious Science, is that of spiritual awareness. After acknowledging there is...

Thought for the Week: Function of faith

This physical world and all its effects are origi­nally generated by Spirit. We cannot see Spirit, but we can certainly see the affects of...

What did I forget?

My “Honey- Do-List” grows longer every day. In fact the list is now so long that I need to write it down on something...

Dialing in to ways to stop annoying phone calls

As your District Attorney, I’m committed to increasing communication and acces­sibility between the DA’s Office and you, the community. One way I have been...

Thought for the Week: Individualizing power

A Course in Miracles is just a Spirit, God, Love, Source, Di­vine Energy – whatever the name – is the creative cause back of...


The old car had lived a good life. “Clem” as she was called seemed to keep on going with no end in sight. When...

Beyond the veil

Once upon a time the world was a much different place. The earth stretched out in all directions from the mountain of Moriah. Everything...

Stars and stripes

Butterflies are free to fly away, a glass bottle floating in the ocean has only the current to influence its direction and for the...