To death
I first met you in the garden. Dark, mysterious and full of pomp you made yourself known to me. Your acquaintance cost me dearly...
Carpenter’s Corner: A father’s love
The world can be a dark, cold place for children whose fathers neglect and abuse them. Max was six years old when he was...
Thought for the Week: Our cosmic father
We celebrate Father’s Day this Sunday and what better way to celebrate than to acknowledge the cosmic father of us all. Jesus taught us...
Thought for the Week: Holy, holy, holy
I’m interested in focusing on prayer during the month of June. June brings with it Father’s Day and the most honored prayer in the...
Carpenter’s Corner: Blue and gray
Memorial Day is past, but before it passed we had a day to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. One day a year...
Thought for the Week: Flowing over
This is the final week in the series of our Theme: “Paying Forward - Giving Back”. Many of us are familiar with the 2000...
Carpenter’s Corner: Cares of the world
Have you ever watched a column of ants as they toil to carry food back to their nest? They are focused to their task...
Thought for the Week: Go forth and multiply
We are working with the power of giving this month. It is our innate nature to give, for we are made in the image...
Carpenter’s Corner: Lost in translation
Mother’s Day is past and now we can all look forward to celebrating Father’s Day. Last week’s rain and cool mountain mist helped all...
Thought for the Week: A mother’s love
Sunday is Mother’s Day. A day we celebrate our own and all mothers that have been and will be. From a spiritual sense the...