
Carpenter’s Corner: Songs of Christmas

Don’t you just love Christmas with all the colored lights, joy­ous songs, presents and pageant­ry that surround the announce­ment of the Messiah’s birth? The...

Thought for the Week: Peace on earth

“In the hustle, bustle of the season don’t forget the reason it’s here” is a line from one of my favorite Christmas songs. I...

Carpenter’s Corner: Peace and goodwill

Driving down Alpine Boule­vard last night, I was pleasantly surprised to see many businesses adorned with colored Christ­mas lights. It was as if by...

Thought for the Week: Bringing light to the world

As we approach this sacred Christmas season let’s do so with conscious intention to feel, know and experience once again the true meaning and...

Carpenter’s Corner: Hard hearts

The rain had slowed down a bit as patches of blue sky floated by behind clouds that dappled the crisp Jerusalem morning air. It...

Thought for the Week: A grateful heart

As we exhibit heartfelt grat­itude our lives are blessed with grace. And what a joy it is to live under the grace of God....

Carpenter’s Corner: Tour guides

I have heard it said that there are only two kinds of people in the world those that like Neil Diamond and those that...

Thought for the Week: Give us this day

Life is to be lived one day at a time and literally one moment at a time. All we truly have is this one...

Carpenter’s Corner: Changing seasons

The bench sat alongside a lonely stretch of dirt road un­der the shadow of Gaskill Peak. Day after day horse drawn wag­ons passed by...

Church celebrates 30

The Church of Spiritual Living is hosting an anni­versary celebration from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 11 at Alpine Church of Spiritual Living, Fuller...