Thought for the Week: Power by Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church...

We are all souls traveling through space and time evolv­ing, growing, changing and be­coming more of our true authen­tic selves. The way and means...

Carpenter’s Corner: Turning Around

It has been said that when a nation begins to decline, that morality, respect for others and virtuous living become absent or nonexistent within...

Thought for the Week: Responsibility

As pure beings of Light and Love we come to this earth to evolve and grow. We bring with us our splintered personalities that...

Carpenter’s Corner: The perfect fit with Dean Kellio

I pushed on the heavy glass revolving doors and quickly stepped into the space created as they turned us slowly out into ninety degree...

Thought for the Week: Wealth of Mind by Rev. Gay Beauregard,...

Charles Fillmore, the great biblical scholar, in his book “Prosperity” relates the how the characters throughout the Bible fit into the pattern of our...

Carpenter’s Corner: One way out by Dean Kellio

The children of Israel left Egypt in haste. The death of Egypt’s first born was the catalyst that led Pharaoh to release God’s people...

Thought for the Week: Spirtual substance

Charles Fillmore was the co-founder of the Unity movement and wrote the book, Prosperity in 1936. By 1990 it was in its twenty-fifth printing...

Carpenter’s Corner: Divine watchmaker by Dean Kellio

Let’s think about the task of producing a working watch for a moment. Our first step would require planning, de­sign and blueprints. Only then...

Thought for the Week: Abundance and grace by Rev. Gay Beauregard,...

This week let’s talk about Abundance and Grace, one of the Chapters in Paul Ferrini’s book, “I Am the Door”. Abundance is not an...

Carpenter’s Corner – Set free by Dean Kellio

Jake stepped off the stage and away from the podium. His eyes were like a flame of fire and the passion in his voice...