Dialing in to ways to stop annoying phone calls

As your District Attorney, I’m committed to increasing communication and acces­sibility between the DA’s Office and you, the community. One way I have been...

Jones provides some answers, deflections during community meeting

A variety of topics raised dur­ing a public meeting with State Sen. Brian Jones recently at the Lakeside Community Cen­ter included questions about canceled...

Driver sentenced for Boulevard smuggling

A minivan driver who crashed in Boulevard while smuggling undocumented migrants was sentenced Aug. 12 to 18 months in federal prison. U.S. District Court Judge...

Familiar candidate revisits Alpine

Congressional candidate Am­mar Campa-Najjar was the fea­tured guest during a town hall meeting at the Alpine Commu­nity Center Aug. 18. Anne Craig-Tillmond, an Al­pine resident...

Sycuan purchases surplus property

Last year the county of San Diego declared the 1.32-acre parcel once used as the Dehesa fire station to be surplus to the county’s...

County to consider Dehesa easement in September voting

A September hearing will determine whether the county of San Diego acquires two agri­cultural easements including a 154.84-acre property in Dehesa. A 5-0 San Diego...

Torres fight KO’d

The Torres v. Dominguez boxing match set to take place at Viejas Resort and Casino Aug. 24 has been can­celled. Saul Rios, owner of Bo­rizteca...

Vote aimed at avoiding clutter

The San Diego Board of Su­pervisors approved zoning regu­lations for small cell wireless fa­cilities, which include a 300-foot setback from specific sites and no...

Thought for the Week: Prosperity through love

Prosperity comes in many forms – through health, harmo­nious relationships, peace and plenty. As we have been open­ing our mind to prosperity this month...

The trail

David stepped out of the car and the first thing that over­whelmed him was the blaring heat of the sun and the sweet, fresh...