
Carpenter’s Corner: The Ark

The Rabbi’s fur lined hat pressed firmly against the Western Wall of the Old City of Jerusalem. Many other men who were at the...

No bail for brother

A judge Monday declined to set bail for a Boulevard man who is accused of killing his older brother who also lived on the...

Man gets probation, suspension

An Alpine man has been sentenced to a suspended term of 180 days jail on condition of three years probation for at­tempting to reach...

Looter sent to prison

A man who was convicted of looting during the West fire in Alpine was sentenced Oct. 26 to four years and eight months in...

Watershed Warriors attack litter and debris at Alpine Community Center

Nik Kennedy, community events coordinator for ‘I Love a Clean San Diego’, spearheads the Watershed Warriors Satur­day cleanup. “We identify unincorporated areas conducive to watershed...

‘Bold’ rapist’s release delayed

The judge who earlier ordered the conditional release of the 1980’s “Bolder Than Most” rap­ist put the release on hold Oct. 26 after officials...

CHAMBER CHATTER: Holiday lighting contest underway, sign up for light parade

The 2018 Best Holiday Deco­rations & Lighting Contest is officially under way in Alpine! The annual contest started by the Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of...

Reaching the heights of relaxation with goats By Rebecca Jefferis-Williamson

Gaze steadily into the goat’s rectangle pupils as you perform your yoga bridge pose. Wait! What? Yes, yoga with goats is a legiti­mate form of exercise....

Dancing donkeys delight

Some Alpine residents made their way to Campo Oct. 27 to visit their friend Kim Fuson and her husband David on their ranch. But...

Alpine’s Quest for Cure team is tops at county’s annual WALK4ALZ

Quest for the Cure from the Alpine View Lodge was top team again this year at the an­nual WALK4ALZ fundraiser on Oct. 20 in...