
Venable wins Del Mar costume contest

By Joe Naiman For The Alpine Sun This year the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club fall meet started on Veterans’ Day, so in addition to the celebrity...

Homelessness, a condition that affects nearly 9,000 in San Diego County

By: Albert H. Fulcher Editor, The East County    Californiasn For The Alpine Sun They are startling facts. Nearly 9,000 people experience homelessness in the county any night...

Feather Fire burns 130 acres, sparked by mowing equipment

By: Lori Bledsoe For The Alpine Sun Fire broke out at approximately 1 p.m. near Featherstone Canyon Road in Barona just South of Ramona was dubbed...
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Alpine Woman’s Club Awards Annual Scholarships

By Lori Bledsoe The Alpine Sun The Annual Alpine Woman’s Club Scholarships were awarded to three youths: Erica Wilson, Kirra Pulsipher, and Natasha Beepath. Erica Wilson was...
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Dotson returns as driver in Firefighters Destruction Derby

By Joe Naiman For The Alpine Sun In 1995 the Cajon Speedway, the Burn Institute, and local fire departments collaborated for an annual night which included...

Aponte reappointed as County Library director

By: Joe Naiman For The Alpine Sun County Library director Jose Aponte had planned to retire on May 26, but he was willing to be...

Supervisors allow PRD zone creation by voter approval

By: Joe Naiman For The Alpine Sun Permanent Road Division zones are formed at the request of property owners to finance the improvement and maintenance...

A Texas man and an Alpine woman lead the band: Valor...

By Albert H. Fulcher Editor of EC Californian      When Chris Hamilton sings, his voice slices through the air with muscle and conviction, and his lyrics,...

New Miss Alpine crowned

The 47th Miss Alpine was crowed on Sunday May 15. Haley Ford was crowned Miss Alpine 2016 by Taylor Zeno 2015 The 47th Miss Alpine was...
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Kiwanis Clubs participate in the 30th Annual “Miracle Mile of Quarters”

     On Saturday, May 7th at Rady Childrens Hospital in San Diego, all of the Kiwanis Clubs in San Diego County sent their representatives...