Tea and Tidbits: Victorian Tea is another success
By: Lori Bledsoe
The Alpine Sun
The women of the Alpine Woman’s Club have been bringing elegance to our little town for 23 years with...
The Alpine Library is getting ready for the finishing touches
We have watched this project from the very first shovel of dirt that broke ground to the metal skeleton. We have seen a dream...
Kiwanis Club Patriotism award is presented to Dan Foster
On Saturday, February 6th, numerous members of the Alpine Kiwanis Club ventured up the Interstate to Long Beach to attend the Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis Mid-Winter...
Lasts week’s Santa Ana winds played havoc with foliage and a...
By Lori Bledsoe
For The Alpine Sun
The Santa Ana winds raced through Alpine, up and down the canyons at speeds that exceeded 50 miles...
Lions Project for Canine Companions for Independence
By: Lori Bledsoe
The Alpine Sun
The Harbison Canyon Lions hosted a Free Pasta Cook Off, while they presented Guide Dog Service Animals with Canine...
Lions Tigers & Bears mourns loss of young tiger
Tiger cub’s sudden passing is a major blow to the sanctuary
Alpine, Calif. - (January 19, 2016) - Bobbi Brink, Founder/Director of San Diego’s...
Alpine/Mountain Empire Chamber going through change and adding benefits
By Jo Moreland
Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce
For The Alpine Sun
The new year is bringing changes at the Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce!
The Christmas Spirit is alive and well in Alpine’s Holiday Decor
By: Lori Bledsoe
The Alpine Sun
By: Lori Bledsoe
The Alpine Sun
Oh there’s no place like home for the holidays. . .especially when it’s decorated in...
Boulder Oaks “Reach for the Stars” supports New Alpine Library
By: Christine Connell
For The Alpine Sun
On Friday December 4th Principal Ms Jenna Weinert presented a check for almost $1400 dollars to Alpine Library...
90 year old veteran just wanted to participate in a Halloween...
By Byron Croft
For The Alpine Sun
90 year old US Army veteran, Andy Furlong, just wanted to do one thing this Halloween, and that...