Could We Avoid Wars If We Just Tried to Communicate Better?
Afghanistan Aid Worker Offers Tips for Peace
War. A large majority of people would prefer to live without it, yet it’s all around us. Countries...
How is GUHSD doing on governance and transparency
My Turn with George Barnett
My Turn with George Barnett
Eight years after its formation, the Grossmont Citizens Bond Oversight Committee is beginning to ask, ”Has...
Wood to Metal Power Poles through the Cleveland National Forest.
SDG&E Master Special Use Permit and Permit to Construct Power Line
Replacement Project
SDG&E Master Special Use Permit and Permit to Construct Power Line
Replacement Project
SDG&E’s permits...
What’s next? Picketing at residences?
What will be next? Will these Alpine union employees be showing up on Gina Henke’s private property? Maybe on her doorstep intimidating any children...
School District Woes
The Alpine Union School District and the Alpine Teachers’ Association have been negotiating since October 2012; trying to find a way forward on preserving...
How will California’s AB131 affect you?
This Bill introduced and heard June 4, 2013 in the State Capitol by the Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments. It passed committee...
D.C. 8th Grade Tour – Fantastic Event
I wanted to send a quick note of appreciation for a fantastic event the week of the 23rd of March. I was fortunate to...
Letter To Editor: Let’s Jump off the Fiscal Cliff
Yes, everybody’s personal tax rates will go up, and there will be massive Defense and Entitlement cuts made by the sequester law, but WTF...
Your Cool Car is Your Old Car, Repowered
Dear Editor,
There are many car owners across the country who simply love the way their car looks, drives and feels, and they want to...
Who gets rich at the gas pump?
With the average price of gas in America hovering around $3.50 per gallon for regular unleaded, it costs more than $50 to fill a...