Senior Volunteers
Have you ever thought about giving back to the community in a way that not only helps others but may also stop serious crime...
Old West Walking Down
The old west was walking down Alpine Boulevard on Tuesday morning leading his horse and his mule. He was on a trek from Yuma,...
Pine Valley Academy shows their back to school spirit
Pine Valley Academy, part of the Julian Charter School campuses, is brimming with school activities as the students stir up that school spirit. JCS...
McGinn Morgan meets challenges with a smile
Sometimes there are exceptional people living in our community that we are not even aware of. One young woman, McGinn Morgan is one such...
In the face of tragedy, the brave rise up
It’s been 11 years since Sept. 11, 2001, and America has faced down enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan and stayed on offense in other...
Alpine has a centenarian in their midst!
Esther Lawson, born in Nebraska on September 13, 1912, celebrated her 100th birthday on Saturday afternoon with friends and fellow residents at Creekside Meadows...
McDonald’s Biggest Fan is first in line
McDonald’s biggest fan, Jenson Shoah was the very first customer served at the new Alpine McDonalds, when they opened for business on Wednesday at...
Alpine’s David Lee grabbin’ the gold at the Olympics
Alpine’s David Lee is shining bright as he is part of the U.S. men’s volleyball team that is now 2-0 in Group B after...