Thought for the Week: From fearful to fearless
Quoting John Randolph Price: “Fear is the root cause of essentially every problem that we face on the third-dimensional plane.” If we want to...
Carpenter’s Corner: Trust and Obey
Trust and obey is the key that unlocks the door that leads to eternal salvation. While many have knocked on that door few have...
Thought for the Week: First things first
This month I am picking back up John Randolph Price’s book, Practical Spirituality to see if we can dig deeper into the priceless gems...
Carpenter’s Corner: Looking to the lilies
As I walked out to the garden shed, I noticed my bedding of Easter lilies had broken ground and were preparing to bloom, right...
Carpenter’s Corner: Forgetfulness
As I sat there, glancing out at the rain in the stillness of the early morning, I suddenly remembered that I had unfailingly forgotten...
Thought for the Week: The secret of permanent prosperity
You are demonstrating prosperity to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health and plenty in your world. Who doesn’t want that? The question...
Thought for the Week: Prosperity through wisdom and love
We are raising our prosperity level this coming week through the use and practice of Divine Wisdom and Love. In the third chapter of...
Carpenter’s Corner: I am worried
What I know. What I know is that I went to the funeral last week. It was a memorial for a thirty-four year old...
Thought for the Week: Creating prosperity
This is the time when we find ourselves bidding others a “Prosperous and Happy New Year”! What exactly is prosperity anyway? Catherine Ponder, the...
Carpenter’s Corner: Promise keeper
Have you ever wanted to buy something brand new? The feeling of owning an object that is only yours? There is something about shopping...