Supervisors direct $28 million to remain for roads

In 2017 the San Diego County Board of Supervisors authorized the use of $28,000,000 of general fund revenue to improve the county’s road conditions....

ACPG frustrated by county, violations

County of San Diego Code Compliance division representa­tives brought a PowerPoint presentation to educate the Alpine Community Planning Group and the 11 citizens who...

Fire marshal looks to past for information on future fires

Alpine Fire Marshal Jason McBroom chuck­led at the podium during his Oct. 20 presenta­tion on the history of fires in Alpine. “I can rebuild a...

Man chased by Border Patrol guilty of manslaughter

The driver of a vehicle who was fleeing the U.S. Border Patrol in Boulevard last year pleaded guilty Sept. 30 to three counts of...

Atty. asks for limited accountablity

The defense attorney for a Campo man charged with kill­ing his two passengers in a 2017 drunk driving crash asked ju­rors Oct. 17 to...

Utility company offers glimpse, explanation of wildfire reaction

In 2014, San Diego Gas and Electric began replacing older wood poles and visible power lines with new metal ones, si­multaneously shifting electri­cal wires...

Hunter fails to gather enough votes for GOP blessing

Of the four Republican congres­sional candidates who addressed more than 1,100 potential voters at a public forum Monday, not one walked away with the...

Plan update approval by December targeted

When the San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved an update to the county’s general plan in August 2011 the county supervisors directed county...

Hunter allowed to delay trial

A federal judge Monday de­layed the start of Congressman Duncan D. Hunter’s trial from Jan. 14 to Jan. 22 at the request of his...

SCIP to benefit developers’ financing

The California Statewide Communities Development Author­ity has a Statewide Community Infrastructure Program, and the county of San Diego will be a member of the...