Fresh and real Crobean

The line at Crobean bakery stretches from the sales counter to the shop door. Grainy loaves of bread stand guard in the pas­try case...

Colorado vacation led couple to a ‘Simpler’ life

Dave and Barbara Davies re­cently opened up their family al­paca farm, A Simpler Time, and hosted public tours of their mill and behind-the-scenes operations...

All the best will attend Best of Alpine and Back Country...

The Alpine Sun is hosting its inaugural red-carpet Best of Alpine and the Back Country party on Thursday, August 1 from 6-8pm at the...

Frosty Acres is retired and chilling

Former Frosty Acres produce stand owner Jack Morehead recently sold the family business to new owners and is headed for retirement. According to Morehead,...
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Utility usage subject to differing rates

San Diego Gas and Electric has begun issuing notices to Al­pine residents informing them they are scheduled to have their rate plan changed from...

CHAMBER CHATTER: Preparing for the sights and sounds of Alpine spring

The Alpine Chamber of Com­merce is getting ready for SAM! That’s the Chamber’s first Spring Art & Music Festival on Saturday, April 13, at the...

CHAMBER CHATTER: Fundraising for adopted grandparents program underway

Sallie Brown, smiling senior sales director for Mary Kay Cosmetics, is already working on getting donations now for her 2019 Adopt-a-Grandparent program. Brown is starting...

CHAMBER CHATTER: Barons Market event will raise money for local schools

For the first time 100 percent of the proceeds from an Alpine Barons Market Backroom Beer Pairing will go to Alpine el­ementary schools/PTAs! The beer...

CHAMBER CHATTER: Chamber adds events, activities for a new year

It’s going to be a busy, productive and fun year for Alpine Chamber of Commerce members and the community! Watch for the return of the...

CHAMBER CHATTER: Alpine Christmas contest winners announced

Congratulations to the win­ners of the Alpine Mountain Empire Chamber of Commerce “Light Up Alpine” and Christ­mas Parade of Lights contests. For the first time...