Thought for the Week: I’ll be there for you

With all that’s going on in the world and in our backyard, now is the time to set our priori­ties straight to be proactive...

How to stay positive while social distancing

As recently as late February, much of the popu­lations of the United States and Canada were liv­ing life as they normally would. A few...

Thought for the Week: My true self

My true self is a changeless divine being that has always been and will always be. And yet my personal experience of it is...

How to teach kids to be philanthropic

Introducing children to char­ity early in their lives can lay a foundation of philanthropy that lasts a lifetime. The more kids witness charitable giving,...

Avoid scams that target your stimulus check

As your District Attorney, I’m committed to increasing communi­cation and accessibility between the DA’s Office and you, the community. One way I have been...

Thought for the Week: The power of faith

As we weave our way through this month with the theme of Self Mastery, our topic this week is The Power of Faith. There...

Advantages to securing a career in philanthropy

Charitable work is commonly viewed as something a person does out of the goodness of his or her heart. Volunteering time and/or donating money...

Thought for the Week: The eternal now

There’s no doubt the old ad­age is true – nothing is perma­nent but change. Change is the vehicle through which we move through this...

The relationship between health and volunteering

Volunteering is often its own reward. Helping others can be just as beneficial to the people doing the helping as it is for the...

Relaxation techniques to embrace

Summer is a time of year that’s synonymous with relax­ation. The warm air and glow­ing sun of summer helps people to relax and take...