The relationship between health and volunteering

Volunteering is often its own reward. Helping others can be just as beneficial to the people doing the helping as it is for the...

Relaxation techniques to embrace

Summer is a time of year that’s synonymous with relax­ation. The warm air and glow­ing sun of summer helps people to relax and take...

Thought for the Week: New life

Sunday is Mother’s Day. A day we celebrate our own and all mothers that have been and will be. From a spiritual sense the...

Thought for the Week: Wholeness

Life is interesting as it is complex and yet sim­ple at its core. We’re exploring the theme of Self Mastery this month and I’ve...

Reviewing the rules of rosary recital

Religious milestones can be fun and memorable and are commonly celebrated with family and friends. Children typically receive gifts upon ful­filling the sacraments, such...

Safety in the age of remote working

As your District Attorney, I'm committed to increasing communication and accessibility between the DA's Office and you, the community. One way I have been...

How religious organizations address social distancing

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus COV­ID-19 changed life as people know it. In the wake of the outbreak, hundreds of millions of people...

Thought for the Week: The three Ps

Robert H. Schuller said: “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” How true! Tough times are upon us. That is to say we...

Thought for the Week: Be a Possibilitarian

The mystery of life is domi­nant in our collective experience right now. So many questions are surfacing. Life “as usual” has broken down and...


The revelation of Jesus Christ was given by God the Father to his Son then from his Son to an angel who delivered the...