Thought for the Week: Be a Possibilitarian
The mystery of life is dominant in our collective experience right now. So many questions are surfacing. Life “as usual” has broken down and...
The revelation of Jesus Christ was given by God the Father to his Son then from his Son to an angel who delivered the...
Carpenters Corner: The Keys
Have you ever asked the question “why am I here”? Many times during my life while struggling through some trial or tribulation I end...
Thought for the Week: Angels in disguise
I’m sure we’re all familiar with angels – those heavenly messengers and aids that can guide and protect us mortals here on earth. You...
Carpenter’s Corner: The keys
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart...
Thought for the Week: Seva service
One of the oldest and most universal ways one can serve is known as Seva. Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning selfless service or...
Thought for the Week: How may I serve?
As a spiritual being housed temporarily on this earth plane, we are here to reveal and be the presence of the divine in expression....
Carpenters Corner: Repent, read, pray
The light from several parapet mounted 210” flat screen smart televisions flickered and pulsed images of twirling acrobats, motocross riders as on-stage fire pots...
Carpenters Corner: Corruption
“How long will you falter between two opinions?” asked Elijah of the people of Israel gathered on the Mount Carmel. “If the Lord is...
Thought for the Week: Expressing appreciation
As we’ve been focusing on Connective Relationships this month, expressing our sincere appreciation to another is one of the best and simplest ways to...