Thought for the Week: The secret of permanent prosperity

You are demonstrating pros­perity to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health and plenty in your world. Who doesn’t want that? The ques­tion...

Thought for the Week: Prosperity through wisdom and love

We are raising our prosper­ity level this coming week through the use and practice of Divine Wisdom and Love. In the third chapter of...

Carpenter’s Corner: I am worried

What I know. What I know is that I went to the funeral last week. It was a memorial for a thirty-four year old...

Thought for the Week: Creating prosperity

This is the time when we find ourselves bidding others a “Prosperous and Happy New Year”! What exactly is pros­perity anyway? Catherine Ponder, the...

Carpenter’s Corner: Promise keeper

Have you ever wanted to buy something brand new? The feel­ing of owning an object that is only yours? There is something about shopping...

Thought for the Week: Enjoy!

Ushering in a New Year gives us pause to stop and consider not only our goals and aspirations for the coming year ahead of...

Carpenter’s Corner: Fresh start

The stage had been set, in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth fantasy “The fellowship of the ring”, as the shire prepared to celebrate Bilbo’s 111th...

Carpenter’s Corner: Faith in a bottle

I love the idea of sending a message in a bottle. I have al­ways wanted to write something on a piece of plain white...

Thought for the week: Our Joy is full

Today is a day to celebrate new birth, new life and new joy into our lives. Jesus said: “I have said these things to...

Carpenter’s Corner: Christmas promise

Christmas time, for most peo­ple, is one of the most festive, colorful and happiest seasons of them all. However, for oth­ers, Christmas can be...