Avoid falling for streaming-related scams

With COVID-19 keeping many families at home, streaming services have become a popu­lar way to pass the time. Services such Netflix, Hulu, and Disney-plus...

Thought for the Week: Witness the miracle

There is one Power and one Presence that is — always has been and always will be — God, omnipotent. It is unchanging in...

Thought for the Week: Rhythm of life

There is a pulsating presence and energy, a vibration if you will, as the substance of all of Life. It is a Divine Principal....

Common play equipment injuries

Park playground equipment and swing set apparatuses in backyard jungle gyms are ex­citing places for children to be active outdoors. Play equip­ment gives children...

ABCs of apple picking

Apple picking is a beloved autumn tradition. While many traditions had to be put on the back burner as the world dealt with the...

Thought for the Week: Rhythm of God

We are always at choice as to whom we shall serve. We can serve duality, thinking we are separate from the Love, Power and...

Thought for the Week: Spiritual consciousness

This month we are diving into the deep teach­ings of Joel Goldsmith and his book, Practicing the Presence. The presence of God is all...

How to protect kids by securing furniture and TVs

Parents go to great lengths to protect their children. Much of those efforts may be directed at potential threats outside the home, but it’s...

Thought for the Week: Your own garden

As we wrap up our study this month of Wayne Dyer’s work in his book, “Happiness is the Way”, this Sunday’s topic is “Cultivate...

Gifts that make social distancing enjoyable

Exchanging gifts with loved ones is a holiday season tradition. That tradition figures to contin­ue this year, though families will almost certainly have to...